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Partners with Churches
to Make Disciples

Churches of less than 300 members

" To Equip His People for Works of Service,

so that the Body of Christ may be Built Up "

Ephesians 4:12


Who We Are

Here at DoveWorks, we know that sometimes all it takes to Serve any Community WELL is a little Support. Since our founding in 2018, we have dreamed about making an impact that changes lives. The core of our efforts is to share our Ideas and Passions with Fellow Believers providing a wide range of Ministry Options that we have been personally involved in. Through all of our discussions we hope to display the conviction behind our own beliefs seeking God's wisdom in the process as we Partner with YOU to Spread the Gospel where you minister to those where you live.

Jesus wants us to Serve those in Need - those who are POOR, those who are HUNGRY, those who need CLOTHES, those who need LODGING and those in PRISON


High Fives

DoveWorks Partners
with Your 

To Raise Up Disciples

Support Options are listed below to Improve or Create Programs and Ministries

Support Group

Social Media Networking

From Websites to Advertising to IT Support and Communications for Members and the Public

Using Technology

to Inform Members and Attract Others

Community Service

Ministry Support

Help for All Ages Programs & Ministries: from Children to Teens to Adults including Creating Something New, Training, Fundraising, Strategic Planning 

God Leads His People

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Community Involvement

From Hospitals to Schools to Prisons - Serving Side by Side with Goodwill , Habitat for Humanity, Food Banks and/or Medical Communities

Connecting to

Those Around You


Personal Growth

Growing in Faith

Dealing with the challenges of life requires maturity in Faith which brings Wisdom and a willingness to Understand Who You Are. DoveWorks emerges out of a pursuit to inspire and support Children of God and a desire for actions to flow from one's Beliefs. We’re a Service organization driven by a strong foundation of support that Promotes Spiritual Mentorships, Prayer Partnerships, Strong Devotional Lives that lead to Witnessing for Christ, Studying Scripture with Fellow Believers and Learning what it means to be a Christian today. Contact us to learn more and to become LIFELONG LEARNERS that Share the Love-Forgiveness of Our Lord.

Your Professional Consultant

Director of Christian Education
Masters of Education: Curriculum & Instruction

Roy Wm Heflin

Roy has spent 25 years as a DCE, Director of Christian Education planning, organizing, and implementing

Youth, Family and Adult programs.

He has served as a Bible Study Leader, Community Life Builder, Men’s Network and Family Life Coordinator. His passions are Administration, Teaching and Developing programs for Spiritual Growth. His Love for our Lord Jesus Christ and his Passion for His people has led him to be both an advocate and encourager for God’s people wherever he has served …

ALWAYS Bragging about Jesus!




" I suppose that much of what I've written is a history that I've had with ' Mr. H. ' as I've known him, but it shows one very important aspect of what discipleship is about: Presence. He understands that discipleship requires a commitment to invest in someone, not just for a moment, but for a lifetime. "

" Besides ' Presence ', his devotion to Jesus Christ is who grounds and inspires him to serve others, to serve all who

God places in his path. "

" As a Lutheran Minister, I would encourage any congregation looking for creative solutions in leaderhip, mission, discipleship and casting vision to consider Mr. H. as a valuable resource. "

Pastor Andrew Potsko, Canton, OH

Doveworks' Friends
in Ministry blogs

Click on JOE, LAURA, TIM

Connect to their Blogs



  • Attend Church Meetings

  • Observe, Interact and Ask Questions

  • Examine Existing Goals, Objectives

  • Review Past Measurable History


  • Meet w/Groups, Leaders, Individuals

  • Conduct Focus Groups Sessions

  • Establish Desired Goals

  • Develop Ministry Suggestions


  • Review with Interactive Dialogue

  • Interpret Overall Perspective

  • Adopt Acceptable Goals/Objectives

  • Develop Implementation Plan to include Approved Goals, Measurable Objectives and Detailed Benchmarks for Progress Review

Partner with DoveWorks

As a Partner with DoveWorks

Let's Disciple Your Members & Others Together


Add Name & Email ( church & yours )

Then You are on Your Way to Receive a

Full Review of Your Church Website


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